
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Jon Kabat-Zinn: Mindfulness MBSR Creator
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Welcome to this very special episode of the Mindfulnews podcast. We catch up with the father of modern day mindfulness Jon Kabat-Zinn, who's incredible work for over 40 years has put together the Mindfulness based stress reduction program that is being used world wide and at the core at dealing with stress and anxiety globally but also providing a guide to being Mindful. I am joined by my good friend Jonathan Baker who not only helps me to run Jon’s Facebook group, but also helps to share Mindfulness through music and guided meditations.
To join the Facebook group - click here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/23758239952
Or search Jon kabat-Zinn on Facebook and join the group.
There were many great questions being asked on the facebook group and this chat with Jon is to catch up and ask these questions so that we can share the wisdom and feed it back to the group.
We get into subjects like dualism, no duality, awareness, vs witness and observer, and dig deep into some of the most important questions on this amazing topic.
For more videos and podcasts visit mindfulnews.uk.

Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Secrets to Happiness at work with Dr. Tracy Brower
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Welcome to our Feb podcast featuring Dr. Tracy Brower, VP at workplace insight, author of The Secrets to Happiness at Work and Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work and a wonderfully kind and knowledgeable human being. It was after reading and being inspired by her article on Empathy and management in Forbes magazine, that I had to reach out and ask my own questions.
We talk about the:
work life balance
how to be a better leader by understanding employee anxiety and stress
why work is a place for us to satisfy our needs for social connections
the industrial revolution and the effect this had on our social identity
working for money vs working for what you love
the key skills of the future
how mindfulness will be playing a massive role in accelerating these skills
we end on Tracys top three key management skills for the future.
Tracy is also a contributor for Forbes.com and Fast Company, and a Vice President of Workplace Insights with Steelcase. For more about Tracy visit https://tracybrower.com/

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
The Happiness Trap with Dr. Russ Harris
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
We kick off 2022 with a wonderful conversation with therapist, coach and author of many self help books including the incredible Happiness Trap, Dr Russ Harris. Adam Stolerman with TritonExec introduced me last year to the Happiness trap and he joins me on the co-host to dig into the questions that matter most to us.
Russ talks about:
His difficult upbringing, issues with drinking and over eating
His journey from graduation to becoming more interested in the psychological side
ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
The evolution of negative thinking and why this is important today
The definition of values and creating your own
What happiness really is and what matters most
Visit mindfulnews.uk for more content
The Happiness Trap (2022) book available here on Amazon
The happiness Trap Facebook Group

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Search inside yourself with Google‘s Chade-Meng Tan
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Chade is almost single handedly responsible for introducing mindfulness corporate-wide at Google, where he worked as an engineer before his role changed in order to focus on bringing joy to employees. This led him to meet some of the most influential people in the world from President Obama to his Holiness the Dalai Lama.
His book, Joy on Demand is helping to inspire and change lives around the world, and is a great guide into the world of Mindfulness and ultimately Happiness.
With love, Gui, Mindfulness podcaster/teacher/vlogger
@mindfulnews.uk on Instagram

Sunday Aug 08, 2021

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
What we love about Eckhart Tolle's Power Of Now
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Eckhart Tolle's work had a significant impact on the speed and depth of my understanding of how to be in the present moment. As a mindfulness coach, for all students who complete the course, I will always recommend that they read the Power of now to deepen their understanding and learning of the benefits of mindfulness. Jonathan is a great friend of mine, mindfulness practitioner and another person I suggest to read Eckhart's book. This was life changing to Jonathan as it has been for many people and this episode focusses on what we both love about Tolle and how his work impacted us.
Time Stamps:
For more videos, courses, podcasts visit www.mindfulnews.uk

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Headspace Founder, Andy Puddicombe
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
What a great honour it is to talk with Andy Puddicombe, co-founder and the voice of the amazing Headspace app and website. The Headspace mission to improve the happiness and health in the world is making great progress and has become the most impactful mediation tool. We talk about Andy's long term friendship with Action for Happiness, his 10 year monastic journey and how this led to creating the Headspace app. We also talk about Headspace's contribution to the scientific research and get a unique insight into the patterns and trends that Andy has noticed, especially following the global pandemic and his outlook on the next five years. I get to share my personal story about Headspace and it's impact on my life and I get to geek out in appreciation and end on community and how we can all help to take more action.
We also talk about all the wonderful resources that are available for free such as his 'weathering the storm' section, mindful movement classes and much more. Try it for free today at headspace.com
Gui -Action for Happiness podcast host
@mindulnews.uk on social media

Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Emotional Intelligence - with Dr. Dan Goleman and Dr.Mark Williamson
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Dr. Dan Goleman shares how Emotional Intelligence can help us live happier lives and contribute to a better world. This conversation with Dr. Mark Williamson was recorded at an Action for Happiness event on 24 November 2020 www.actionforhappiness.org.
Full Youtube conversation with the audience questions available here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ADA5LcNzIE

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Mindfulness at work...with my boss, Sean Carroll
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
We're back with our first Mindfulnews episode for 2021! This is quite a special one for me as my guest today, Sean Carroll, is someone I've known for about 13 years. I would make regular visits to Milwuakee for work and Sean was bar tending at the local watering hole, Mo's Irish pub. Over the years this friendship grew, and then out of nowhere, he joined the software company I work for and soon became my boss. Ive been lucky enough to have great bosses, and Sean is right up there with the best. The magic of this friendship really took hold as I introduced Sean to mindfulness. He had reached out to me following some personal challenges, dealing with anger, frustration, relationships. He didn't know much about mindfulness but he knew he wanted to give it a go. Cut to almost a year later, his mindfulness practice is going strong and he is closer to his family and more present to them than he has ever been. The transformation is quite remarkable and a great testament to the benefits of Mindfulness. We talk about his 15 years of software experience, the loss of his parents, dealing with death and the mental illness of a close friend. We also talk about the lessons learned from being a bartender, and we dig into the multiple benefits that he now enjoys from mindfulness.
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Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Mads from Shuttle Life (200k subscribers!) talks with BadmintonNEWS
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Welcome to the BadmintonNEWS podcast. This is only our third episode and today we have the privilege of having Mads from shuttle life join us. Mads shuttle life channel has morphed into a powerhouse of badminton training videos with over 200,000 subscribers. Mads talks about how he got into Badminton, his friendship with Anders Antonsen, going to school together and training together for 7 years. We also dig into doubles tactics, strategy and mindset. Visit shuttle life for the best badminton training videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXYpDcoYJk8CTGLUscj2Tgg
BadmintonNEWs is a channel to discuss in depth the beautiful nuances about the game we love and we get to do it amongst good friends and badminton partners. There is nothing that we love to do more than talk about badminton, so please hit the subscribe button, like our channel and show your love.
Please also subscribe to our channel BadmintonNEWS and visit our facebook page too - https://www.facebook.com/badmintonnew...
Facebook: badmintonnews
Youtube: Badmintonnews
Instagram: badmintonnews1
Gui Hung - @mindfulnews.uk
Daniel Charles @Daniellondoncharles
JB Present
Ben Mag